Scott Rupert made two bids for high office, and for six years I was his “Chief Exec of Tech.” This involved developing a WordPress website and tweaking the SEO for name recognition, whereby we achieved a page 1 SERP, above-the-fold, for organic searches on Google!
The position also required in-depth research, and I published campaign position papers according to current events, such as SOPA/PIPA.
Further, I liaised with the Ohio Secretary of State to certify FEC compliance with marketing operations, and while all of that was interesting, video production remained the most enjoyable part of the work. Scripting, blocking, shooting and editing. Inside the home studio & run-and-gun. (To this day, Vegas remains my NLE of choice both for ease of use and quick turnaround.)
On June 10, 2012, Scott calls in to Dirk Thompson’s radio show “Hunt 4 the Truth” airing on NewsRadio WTVN 610 AM
” It’s the only person running for Senate in the State of Ohio that’s worth a vote… “
On October 11, 2011, Scott urged Buckeyes to support the Ohio Health Care Amendment, Issue 3
” If the united States Constitution doesn’t say they can do it, they. Can’t. Do it! “
On February 16, 2012, Scott spoke at the NW Ohio 2012 U.S. Senate Candidate Night, sponsored by the Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition
” …We can again feel proud of our leaders and our country, and of our place in history. “
Energy Independence
” Real jobs are created when there’s a real need someone is willing to pay to have met, not a perceived need to be met by government. “
An Independence Day message
” Nothing you possess is more valuable than your freedom. Celebrate it and ask yourself, ‘What will you do to secure it for the next generation?’ “
A candid, kitchen table chat over coffee
” The issues aren’t the issue—politics is the issue. If we fix the broken process, the problems will fix themselves. “
CLIP: “Return to The Constitution”
” I’m an ordinary guy living an ordinary life who is seeing too much of government getting involved in our everyday lives… “
CLIP: “Stick to The Constitution”
” The federal government doesn’t have authority over our lives like they’ve led us to believe they do… “
On April 17, 2010, Scott delivers his initial campaign speech on campus at Bowling Green State University at the Tax Day Tea Party
” I know how hard it is to earn the money they’re spending, and I’d really like to make them stop. “
CLIP: “Quick! Let’s do term limits!”
” The system is corrupt and no one is above it. I’m not above it. I don’t want to be a politician. “